Federation of Australian Astrologers
Western Australia


Federation of Australian Astrologers WA

Federation of Australian Astrologers Western Australian Division Inc. (FAAWA)

Registration Number A0030740M

FAAWA is the Western Australian branch of the national body, the Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc (FAA) and our aims are to:

  • keep FAAWA members informed of all developments in astrology
  • encourage WA astrologers to develop their expertise
  • raise the professional standard of astrology in Western Australia
  • raise the profile of professional astrology in the community
  • provide a central point of contact for astrologers
  • provide a reliable central point of contact for the community
  • provide educational, social and networking opportunities for WA astrologers and the community
  • represent the views and concerns of WA astrologers to the national body

FAAWA Committee

The FAAWA is run by a Committee elected by the members at an Annual General Meeting held in November each year.

If you have any questions or would like information about the FAA WA Division (Inc.) please contact a committee member.

Committee 2025

Chair Stefanie Schroeder 0415 124 644 stefanie.schroeder@hotmail.com
Vice Chair Rick Boyd 0411 344 941 rickboyd07@outlook.com
Treasurer Joanna Clifton 0415 763 743 joclif@bigpond.com
Secretary Marie Kennedy

0448 181 781

MM Editor Joanna Clifton 0415 763 743 joclif@bigpond.com
  TBA - -
  TBA - -
FAA National Council Representatives
Liaison Officer Margie Crocker (08) 9272 7860 margiecrocker@westnet.com.au
  Jenny Coad 0427 080 430 jenny@jennycoad.com.au

Liaison Officers provide a link between members and the national body and attend the National FAA AGM each January.


Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc (FAA)

The FAA is a national organisation formed in 1971 managed by a Committee with representative members from each State of Australia who convene annually to discuss the operation and development of the organisation and exam system.

The FAA represents a group of people dedicated to astrological principles of education and research in Australia, is a non-profit, non-sectarian and non-political body.

It holds a National Astrological Conference biannually, bringing world renowned speakers from around the globe to strengthen and broaden the knowledge of all Australian astrologers.

The FAA promotes a National Code of Ethics to which all members are bound.

It offers an accredited examination system, which is recognised worldwide, to assist in the development of high quality professional standards in Australian astrologers. A minimum period of three years part-time study is required to reach the standard necessary to gain the Diploma of Astrology (FAA) formerly known as the FAA Practitioner’s Certificate. This entitles the Astrologer to put Dip. Astro. (FAA) after their name.

There are affiliated associations to the FAA in most states of Australia.

Code of ethics

Federation of Australian Astrologers (Inc) Code of Ethics and Advice to Members

Membership of the Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc is conditional upon adherence to the following Code of Ethics:

Protection of Astrological Authenticity

Members should endeavour to promote the expansion of astrological knowledge by ensuring, when appropriate, that the general public is accurately informed about astrological practices.

The FAA Inc should discourage claims and attempts by unqualified persons to provide astrological services to the public.

Professional behaviour

The integrity of the profession of Astrology must be preserved. Members, when acting in their professional capacity, are expected to behave in a manner which enhances and does not damage the status of the profession.

The FAA Inc National Executive reserves the right to assess the professional behaviour of members in this regard when called into question.

The Relationship Bteween Astrologer and Client

A member will first and foremost consider the well-being of the client, endeavouring to enhance the client’s understanding of their chart in a helpful constructive manner and placing the welfare of the client above the member’s self interest.

Protection of the Client

The member will take into account the reliability of the birth data, informing the client, if necessary, of interpretive limitations as a result of possibly inaccurate birth data.

When a chart is rectified, the client must be informed and the rectification done by a recognised method.

The above requirements being satisfied, members will ensure the greatest possible accuracy in the erection of all astrological charts.

All astrological reports, oral or written, should be directly concerned with the astrological charts under consideration and should be expressed as simply and unequivocally as possible with due regard for the understanding and emotional state of the client.


All Astrological consultations shall be considered confidential, unless this confidentiality physically endangers another person.

A member must not convey confidential communications from other astrologers to a client without permission from the authors of such communication.

Confidential material about clients which might lead to their identification must not be published without their permission.

Predictive Work

When commissioned to do predictive work the member will ensure that the client is aware of the distinction between the astrological event, which can be calculated precisely, and its interpretation which depends on the judgment of the individual Astrologer.

The Relationship Between Members

Members should endeavour to respect, and help where appropriate, fellow members in their pursuit of astrological knowledge, without bias in terms of divisions of astrology.

If a member forms the opinion that a fellow member is behaving unethically and/or unprofessionally they should first approach the member in a helpful way. If this proves to be ineffective, the member must (a) warn the fellow member of their intention to report the matter to the FAA Inc State Branch Committee and (b) should it become necessary, proceed with this action.

The National Executive reserves the right to assess the ethical behaviour of members when called into question.


No member shall use the letters "QA", “FAA” or "AAT after their name unless so awarded by the Board of Examiners as part of a recognised qualification, or conferred by the National Executive.

All members must uphold the integrity of the Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc by striving for the highest possible standards of astrological expertise and professional behaviour when representing the FAA.

The FAA reserves the right to terminate membership at the discretion of the National Executive.

The Association of Professional Astrologers Inc (APA)

The APA was Incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory on 14 July 2000 AO3483
407 Johnston Street, Abbotsford Victoria 3067.

The APA is an organisation that serves the needs of professional astrologers of Australasia and is a service for those who wish to consult a professional member of the Association for any reason.

There is a directory of professional astrologers on the APA website which lists astrologers by state in alphabetical order with qualifications and contact information.

Academic astrology qualifications from a recognised astrology examinations body are criteria for membership and listing in the APA directory. Members must also abide by the APA Statement of Professional Behaviour.

APA members receive a $50 discount on the biennial conferences of the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA). A list of APA Committee and Office Bearers can be found on the APA website.

APA Statement of Professional Behaviour

As a member of the Astrological profession I shall at all times abide by the following Code of Behaviour :-

  1. I shall conduct myself professionally at all times so as to comply with the generally accepted standards of professional behaviour.
  2. I shall, in accordance with astrological principles, render my professional services for no other purpose other than the total well being of my clients.
  3. I shall at all times respect the confidentiality of my clients and, apart from the consultation being sought, shall only use their birth data (for any other purpose) with their specific written consent.
  4. I shall at all times keep the standard of my professional work as high as possible. I shall endeavour to improve upon my technical skills and professional standards whenever possible.
  5. I shall never criticize, condemn or otherwise denigrate a member of the Association in the presence of any client or other lay person. I shall point out astrological error or breach of the professional conduct required under this statement, and shall report such breach to the Secretary of the Association. This clause shall not prevent a member from protecting the reputation of astrology in any forum from fraud or charlatanism.
  6. I shall be truthful in all advertising undertaken in the course of my profession.
  7. I shall ensure that anyone employed by me shall strictly adhere to the same standards of professional behaviour as long as s/he is employed by me. I
  8. shall, upon being found by the APA to have transgressed any of the rules of the Association or this Statement of Professional Behaviour, voluntarily surrender and return all certificates issued by the Association.
  9. As much as is possible, I shall display a copy of this Statement of Professional Behaviour in my consulting rooms where it is clearly visible to clients.


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