FAA(WA) Division Inc. Membership Form
Download the membership form here (PDF 166kB), print it, complete it
and send it by mail as outlined on the form.
(Please be patient, it may take a few moments to download.)
FAA (WA) Division Inc. Membership fees are:
ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP - Email ONLY version of the Quarterly FAA
Journal - $70
ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP - PRINTED version of the Quarterly FAA Journal -
CONCESSION MEMBERSHIP* - Email ONLY version of the Quarterly FAA
Journal - $50
Journal - $65
(*Concession Membership applies to members aged 65 and over, and Healthcare card holders.)
EFT Payment:
Bank: P&N Bank
Account name: FAAWA Inc.
BSB: 806015
Account number: 02136277
Reference: your surname.
For membership enquiries contact:
Membership Organiser
Margie Crocker
phone: 0421 413 660
Benefits of membership
There are many benefits to be gained from joining the FAA WA; such as becoming associated with a national body that is respected in Australia and around the world by the astrological community.
You can meet with like minded people to discuss astrology and related subjects, enjoy discounted prices for the world class biennial conferences held around Australia and update your astrology skills by attending workshops and seminars presented by national and international astrologers.
Some of the benefits of membership include:
- regular newsletter, the Mercury Messenger, from the FAA WA branch keeps you up to date with local news and events of astrological significance
- quarterly national journal from the FAA National to keep you up to date with state, national, and world events of astrological significance
- reduced cost for FAA meetings
- reduced cost for FAA Inc Conferences
- becoming part of a network of people committed to sharing astrological knowledge and information for the benefit of all
- ability to learn and become qualified through a national body with a world-class examination system
- access to a support network of qualified astrologers.
On this Page:
- Membership
Membership forms, fees and enquiries - Benefits of membership
Why you should join the FAAWA