Federation of Australian Astrologers
Western Australia

Coming Events

Chariots of the Gods: Planetary Exaltation

FAAWA Events: Jo Clifton - Astrology and Palmistry

Sunday 22 September 2024
2 - 4 pm AWST
South Perth Learning Centre
96 South Terrace, South Perth WA 6151
or online with ZOOM

The immediate connections between the two modalities include the elements of earth, fire, air and water. Then there is the presence of the different planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo (Pluto), Mercury, Venus, the Moon and Mars. Like astrology there are the sun signs which in palmistry are represented on the phalanges (fingers).

We have the markings that are similar to aspects in astrology. The person’s character and personality again can be delineated in both modalities. There is the same wealth of knowledge and understanding of the client. This presentation will take a look at the basics of palmistry and its uses, and also go through some practical examples of charts and palms.

Jo Clifton

Joanna Clifton came to live in Australia in 2004 from Ireland. She began her Astrology studies in 2005 at the Orion Academy of Astrology in Riverton. She reads widely on Astrology and gained a few certificates on completion of the Astrology courses at the Academy. She has studied Astrology as much as time allows since.

She began studying Palmistry in 2017 and has given Palmistry readings atfairs over the past few years. She finds that people are fascinated by the ability to  read palms, and believes there is a strong link between Astrology and Palmistry as they use things like the elements, planets signs and markings, which are common to both modalities. The markings on the hand are similar to the aspects in Astrology in that they or add to the interpretation of the hand and interplay between the different planets and lines. Jo has also completed courses on other modalities such as Tarot, Mediumship and healing. She offers astrology readings from home and uses the other modalities at fairs and the shop where she works.

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Coming Events


FAAWA Chair Stefanie Schroeder
email: stefanie.schroeder@hotmail.com


Concession $15  
Members $20  
Non-members $25

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